Sunday, February 24, 2008

Singapore HDB sale exercise (II)

Continuation from my earlier article, "Singapore HDB sale exercise"

See the earlier article.

Reference to the sentence, "I am not sure if they have any priority system so that it is not a purely by chance system."

I guess the answer is given by the Minister in the report, "Government to proceed with HDB estate upgrading", where

Mr Mah said: "Balloting method is probably the fairest. Administratively the most efficient way to do it. And we have certain criteria. We have certain income ceiling. We have given allocation priority to the first timers. We have given further chances to those who are living near their parents."

On one hand, I am glad to hear that. On the other hand, I then wonder, is the demand really so huge? ... Why do I wonder? Among the criteria,
    income ceiling: I guess it is very clear in he application that all the 10000 over applicants satisfy it.
    first timers: I believe I am one although I bought an unit, but it was from resale and without taking grant.
    living near their parents: I am.

Yet, my number is 7018. I told others my chance is slim, which is theoretically correct, while my brother replied, "No chance at all!!!", which is statistically correct.

Thus, does this imply that there are at least 7017 others who qualify these criteria? If so, I guess they need to introduce more criteria.

I would not contest that the balloting is the fairest, but is fairest HDB's objective? I don't think so according to the existence of the above criteria.

I admit it is administratively very efficient, and tremendously profitable with virtually pure profit of 10000xS$10! However, being so efficient administratively, this huge revenue is questionable. This can easily be doubled a few times by conducting monthly or even fortnightly ballots, which is very feasible, and each time put up just a hundred units will do. Again, I think it is not HDB's objective to generate revenue.

So, what are HDB objectives? I actually did some readings at the HDB site, and my conclusion is HDB is a builder but not a seller. Their objectives are to make available, and probably also to make sufficiently available. They are not so much into distribution, marketing and selling. Thus, I would suggest they seriously setup a division for it, or outsource to some experts to do this, just as they have outsourced the designing for quite some years already.

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